Original research
Dietary availability acutely influences puberty onset via a hypothalamic neural circuit.
, Hagihara M, Irie S, Abe T, Kiyonari H, . Neuron, 2025. DOI: -
Flexible adjustment of oxytocin neuron activity in mouse dams revealed by microendoscopy.
Yaguchi K*, #, Tasaka G*. Science Advances, Vol 10, Issue 50 2024. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adt155 -
Parallel Labeled-Line Organization of Sympathetic Outflow for Selective Organ Regulation in Mice.
#, Tsurutani M, Yamada S, Uchida S, Inada K, Hagihara M, Irie S, Shigeta M, Abe T, Inoue YU, Inoue T, #. Nature Communications , 15: 10478 2024. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-54928-1 -
Selective vulnerability of parvocellular oxytocin neurons in social dysfunction.
, Goto T, Hagihara M, Irie S, #. Nat Commun.15: 8661 2024. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-53092-w . - Dynamics of pulsatile activities of arcuate kisspeptin neurons in aging female mice.
#, Hagihara M, #. eLife 18, e82533, 2023. doi: 10.7554/eLife.82533 - Dynamic modulation of pulsatile activities of oxytocin neurons in lactating wild-type mice.
, Hagihara M, Konno A, Hirai H, Yukinaga H, . PLoS One 18, e0285589, 2023. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0285589 - The importance of oxytocin neurons in the supraoptic nucleus for breastfeeding in mice.
Hagihara M*, #, *#. PLoS One 18, e0283152, 2023. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0283152 - Oxytocin signaling in the posterior hypothalamus prevents hyperphagic obesity in mice.
, Tsujimoto K, Yoshida M, Nishimori K, . eLife 11, e75718, 2022. doi: 10.7554/eLife.75718 - Recording and manipulation of the maternal oxytocin neural activities in mice.
, Hagihara M, Tsujimoto K, Chiang H-L, Kato S, Kobayashi K, . Current Biology 32, 3821-3829.e6, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.06.083 - Plasticity of Neural Connections Underlying Oxytocin-mediated Parental Behaviors of Male Mice.
#, Hagihara M, Tsujimoto K, Abe T, Konno A, Hirai H, Kiyonari H, #. Neuron 110, 2009-2023.e5, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2022.03.033
In this work, we found a specific neural circuit change of oxytocin system during the behavioral transition to fatherhood that underlies parental caregiving behaviors of male mice.
Review articles
- Oxytocin and neuroscience of lactation: Insights from the molecular genetic approach.
Yukinaga H, . Neurosci Res (2025) DOI:
- Neural basis for behavioral plasticity during the parental life-stage transition in mice.
#. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 17, 1340497, 2024. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2023.1340497
- Association between parental behaviors and structural plasticity in the brain of male rodents.
#, #. Neuroscience Research 196, 1-10 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2023.06.007
This work review paternal caregiving behavior and structural plasticity.
Cover image designed by Kengo Inada.
The review article was featured in Neuroscience Research.
Before 2017 (Selected)
- Sexual rejection via a vomeronasal receptor-triggered limbic circuit.
Osakada T*, Ishii KK*, Mori H*, Eguchi R, Ferrero DM, Yoshihara Y, Liberles SD, *#, Touhara K#. Nat Comm 9, 4463, 2018. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-07003-5. - A Labeled-Line Neural Circuit for Pheromone-Mediated Sexual Behaviors in Mice.
Ishii KK*, Osakada T*, Mori H, Miyasaka N, Yoshihara Y, *#, Touhara K#. Neuron 95, 123-137, 2017
Ishii et al. investigated how a male pheromone enhances sexual receptivity of female mice, and identified responsible neural types and pathways in the amygdala-hypothalamus axis. This circuit consists of neurons that are highly intermingled but mostly distinct from those mediating predator cues. This image designed by Nozomi Ohgi artistically depicts a labeled-line organization of neural circuitries that connect olfactory signal inputs to specific behavioral outputs: red lines for the sex pheromone and sexual behavior; blue lines for predator cues and defensive behavior. - Viral-genetic tracing of the input-output organization of a central noradrenaline circuit.
Schwarz LA*, *, Gao XJ, Beier KT, Weissbourd B, DeLoach KE, Ren J, Ibanes S, Malenka RC, Kremer EJ, Luo L. Nature 524, 88-92, 2015 - Presynaptic Partners of Dorsal Raphe Serotonergic and GABAergic Neurons.
Weissbourd BC, Ren J, DeLoach KE, Guenthner CJ, ¶, Luo L¶. Neuron 83, 1-18, 2014 - Dissecting Local Circuits: Parvalbumin Interneurons Underlie Broad Feedback Control of Olfactory Bulb Output.
*, Shlomai-Fuchs Y*, Shu M, Weissbourd BC, Luo L, Mizrahi A. Neuron 80, 1232-45, 2013 - Permanent Genetic Access to Transiently Active Neurons Using Targeted Recombination in Active Populations (TRAP).
Guenthner CJ, , Yang HH, Heller HC, Luo L. Neuron 78, 773-784, 2013 - Extensions of MADM (mosaic analysis with double markers) in mice.
Tasic B*, *, Hippenmeyer S*, Dani VS, Zeng H, Joo W, Zong H, Chen-Tsai Y, Luo L. PLoS One. 7, e33332. 2012 - Cortical representations of olfactory input by trans-synaptic tracing.
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Serizawa S*, *, Takeuchi H*, Yamagishi Y, Suzuki M, Sakano H. Cell 127, 1057-1069, 2006 - Continuous and overlapping expression domains of odorant receptor genes in the olfactory epithelium determine the dorsal/ventral positioning of glomeruli in the olfactory bulb.
*, Serizawa S*, Kimura H, Sakano H. Journal of Neuroscience 25, 3586-3592, 2005 - Negative feedback regulation ensures the one receptor-one olfactory neuron rule in mouse.
Serizawa S*, *, Nakatani H, Suzuki M, Saito M, Yoshihara Y, Sakano H. Science 302, 2088-94, 2003
Collaborative Contributions
- Opioidergic activation of the descending pain inhibitory system underlies placebo analgesia.
Neyama H, Wu Y, Nakaya Y, Kato S, Shimizu T, Tahara T, Shigeta M, Inoue M, , Matsushita N, Mashimo T, Miyasaka Y, Dai Y, Noguchi K, Watanabe Y, Kobayashi M, Kobayashi K, Cui Y. Sci Adv 11: eadp8494. 2025. - Cortical parvalbumin neurons are responsible for homeostatic sleep rebound through CaMKII activation
Kon K, Ode KL, Mano T, Fujishima H, Takahashi RR, Tone D, Shimizu C, Shiono S, Yada S, Matsuzawa K, Yoshida SY, Yoshida Garçon J, Kaneko M, Shinohara Y, Yamada RG, Shi S, , Sumiyama K, Kiyonari H, Susaki EA, Ueda HR. Nat Commun. 15:6054 , 2024 - Distinct phosphorylation states of mammalian CaMKIIβ control the induction and maintenance of sleep
Tone D., Ode K. L., Zhang Q., Fujishima H., Yamada R. G., Nagashima Y., Matsumoto K., Wen Z., Yoshida S. Y., Mitani T. T., Arisato Y., Ohno R., Ukai-Tadenuma M., Yoshida Garçon J., Kaneko M., Shi S., Ukai H., , Okada T., Sumiyama K., Kiyonari H., Ueda H. R. PLoS Biology 20(10), e3001813, 2022 - A single vomeronasal receptor promotes intermale aggression through dedicated hypothalamic neurons
Itakura T., Murata K., , Ishii K. K., Yoshihara Y., and Touhara K. Neuron 110(15), 2455-2469, 2022 - Hemoglobin in the blood acts as a chemosensory signal via the mouse vomeronasal system
Osakada T., Abe T., Itakura T., Mori H., Ishii K. K., Eguchi R., Murata K., Saito K., Haga-Yamanaka S., Kimoto H, Yoshihara Y., , and Touhara K. Nature Communications 13, 556, 2022 - CUBIC-Cloud provides an integrative computational framework toward community-driven whole-mouse-brain mapping
Mano T., Murata K., Kon K., Shimizu C., Ono H., Shi S., Yamada RG., , Susaki EA., Touhara K., and Ueda HR. Cell Reports Methods 10.1016/j.crmeth.2021.100038 2021 - Calcitonin receptor signaling in the medial preoptic area enables risk-taking maternal care
Yoshihara C., Tokita K., Maruyama T., Kaneko M., Tsuneoka T., Fukumitsu K., Miyazawa E., Shinozuka K., Huang A.J. , McHugh T.J., Tanaka M, Itohara S., Touhara K., , and Kuroda K.O. Cell Reports 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109204, 2021 - Amygdalohippocampal area neurons that project to the preoptic area mediate infant-firected attack in male mice
Sato K, Hamasaki Y, Fukui K, Ito K, , Minami M, Amano T. Journal of Neuro 40, 3981, 2020 - Versatile whole-organ/body staining and imaging based on electrolyte-gel properties of biological tissues
Susaki EA, Shimizu C, Kono A, Tainaka K, Li X, Nishi K, Morishima K, Ono H, Ode KL, Saeki Y, , Isa K, Yokoyama C, Kitaura H. Ikemura M, Ushiku T, Shimizu Y, Saito T, Saido TC, Fukayama M, Onoe H, Touhara K, Isa T, Kakita A, Shibayama M, Ueda HR. Nat Comm 11, 1982, 2020 - GABAergic neurons in the olfactory cortex projecting to the lateral hypothalamus in mice
Murata K, Kinoshita T, Fukazawa Y, Kobayashi K, Kobayashi K, , Okuno H, Bito H, Sakurai Y, Yamaguchi M, Mori K, Manabe H. Sci Rep 9, 7132, 2019 - Functional circuit architecture underlying parental behaviour
Kohl J, Babayan BM, Rubinstein ND, Autry AE, Marin-Rodriguez B, Kapoor V, , Zweifel LS, Luo L, Uchida N, Dulac C. Nature 556, 326-331, 2018 - Identification of an Intra- and Inter-specific Tear Protein Signal in Rodents
Tsunoda M, , Eguchi R, Sakuma Y, Yoshihara Y, Kikusui T, Kuwahara M, Touhara K. Curr Biol 28, 1213-1223, 2018 - Cell type-specific long-range connections of basal forebrain circuit.
Do JP, Xu M, Lee SH, Chang WC, Zhang S, Chung S, Yung TJ, Fan JL, , Luo L, Dan Y. eLife 5:e13214, 2016 - Circuit Architecture of VTA Dopamine Neurons Revealed by Systematic Input-Output Mapping.
Beier KT, Steinberg EE, DeLoach KE, Xie S, , Schwarz L, Gao XJ, Kremer EJ, Malenka RC, Luo L. Cell 162, 622-34, 2015 - Functional transformations of odor inputs in the mouse olfactory bulb.
Adam Y, Livneh Y, , Groysman M, Luo L, Mizrahi A. Front Neural Circuits 8, 129, 2014 - Developmental Sculpting of Intracortical Circuits by MHC Class I H2-Db and H2-Kb.
Adelson JD, Sapp RW, Brott BK, Lee H, , Luo L, Cheng S, Djurisic M, Shatz CJ. Cereb Cortex Epub ahead of print, 2014 - Long-range and local circuits for top-down modulation of visual cortex processing.
Zhang S, Xu M, Kamigaki T, Hoang Do JP, Chang WC, Jenvay S, , Luo L, Dan Y. Science 345, 660-5, 2014 - Characterization of long descending premotor propriospinal neurons in the spinal cord.
Ni Y, Nawabi H, Liu X, Yang L, , Tedeschi A, Xu B, Wall NR, Callaway EM, He Z. Journal of Neuroscience 34, 9404-9417, 2014 - Anterograde or retrograde transynaptic labeling of CNS neurons with vesicular stomatitis virus vectors.
Beier K, Saunders A, Oldenburg IA, , Akhtar N, Luo L, Whelan S, Sabatini BL, Cepko C. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 108, 15414-15419, 2011 - Genetic mosaic dissection of Lis1 and Ndel1 in neuronal migration.
Hippenmeyer S, Youn YH, Moon HM, , Zong H, Wynshaw-Boris A, Luo L. Neuron 68, 695-709, 2010 - A global double-fluorescent Cre reporter mouse.
Muzumdar MD, Tasic B, , Li L, Luo L. Genesis 45, 593-605, 2007
Connectivity and Circuit Architecture Using Transsynaptic Tracing in Vertebrates Chapter 4 of "Decoding Neural Circuit Structure and Function: Cellular Dissection Using Genetic Model Organisms” Edited by Aruzu Celik & Mathias F. Wernet
Springer 2017
& Schwarz LA.
- Functional Dissection of Olfactory Neuronal Circuits by Genetic and Viral Technology.
. 実験医学No.532, 2905-2911, 2014 (in Japanese) - Visualizing Olfactory Circuits.
. 現代化学 No.522, 2014 (in Japanese) - Frontier in neuronal circuits underlying olfactory processing in the brain.
, Touhara K 日本医師会雑誌, 124巻12号, 2607-26011, 2014 (in Japanese) - Trans-synaptic tracing and its application to the olfactory system.
. 生体の科学, 64号, 24-28, 2013 (in Japanese) - Brain wiring by presorting axons.
, Luo L. Science 325, 544-5, 2009 - Negative feedback regulation ensures the one neuron-one receptor rule in the mouse olfactory system.
Serizawa S, , Sakano H. Chemical Senses 30, i99-100, 2005 - One neuron-one receptor rule in the mouse olfactory system.
Serizawa S, , Sakano H. Trends in Genetics 20, 648-53, 2004
Contributions to Book
- Principles of Neurobiology by Liqun Luo (Garland Science, 2015)